Convenient High-Assurance Identity Proofing and Credentialing Services

PresenceID™, powered by NextgenID, delivers nationwide, secure identity proofing and credential issuance closer to home.


Widely Accessible and Appointment-Free

High-assurance Identity Proofing

High-Assurance Identity Proofing

Meeting standards and guidelines of HSPD-12, FIPS 201-3, NIST SP 800-63, the Kantara Initiative, and more.
Customized Workflows

Customized Workflows

Whether you need a PIV/PIV-I reference workflow, I-9, or custom employee onboarding - workflows are fully customizable to your requirements.
Universal Network

Nationwide Network

A nationwide network of accessible identity stations supporting universal access, ADA, and public and private use cases.
Self-Service Stations

Self-Service Stations

Identity Stations operate like ATMs - available self-service at your convenience or with a remote agent to help you navigate your workflow experience.

Identity Proofing Delivered On-Demand

With PresenceID™, identity proofing is quick and convenient. Visit a nearby network location—no appointment needed—connect with a remote agent to verify your identity and in minutes receive your physical or digital credential.

How It Works

Identity Proofing Made Simple

We’re making high-assurance identity proofing fast, secure and intuitive.

Visit a PresenceID™ Network Location:

Simply go to the nearest PresenceID™ location at your convenience—no appointment needed.

Connect with a Remote SRIP Agent:

The SRIP agent will guide you through scanning your identity documents and providing biometrics. The entire identity-proofing process is completed in just a few minutes.

Receive Your Credential:

Depending on your needs, you’ll be issued a physical or digital credential.

Activate and Maintain Your Credential:

Use the PresenceID™ Service to easily activate and manage your credentials.

Explore PresenceID™ For Your Business

The gold standard for identity proofing services allowing governments, businesses, and citizens to eliminate friction, cut costs, and mitigate security and operational risks.


Government Departments and Agencies

PresenceID™ delivers identity proofing and credential management services for Federal, State, Local, and Tribal government entities that meet the strict requirements of the Federal HSPD-12 standards, covering CAC, PIV, PIV-I, CIV, TWIC, and FRAC credential types. PresenceID™ services fully adhere to all NIST SP 800-63-3 policy and FIPS 201-3 procedural requirements for the secure and efficient enrollment and verification of employees, contractors, businesses, and citizens.

Seamless Integrations

Seamless Integrations

PresenceID™ integrates seamlessly with all major Credential Management Systems (CMS) including solutions from Intercede, Deloitte, HID, Zeva, and more.

Universal Accessibility

Nationwide Accessibility

Eliminate the need for long-distance travel. PresenceID™ is available at locations nationwide.

Elevated Security Standards

Elevated Security Standards

Using PresenceID™ ensures the highest levels of security are in place to protect sensitive data and critical infrastructure for governments and businesses.

Cloud Service Providers

FedRAMP standardizes security requirements for the authorization and ongoing cybersecurity of cloud services following FISMA, OMB Circular A-130, FedRAMP policy, and the FedRAMP Authorization Act as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The FedRAMP Board updated the FedRAMP security controls baseline to align with NIST SP 800-53 and Security and Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations, Revision 5 (Rev. 5), updated the FedRAMP documentation and templates to reflect the changes in Rev. 5, and developed guidance to assist Cloud Service Providers in transitioning to Rev. 5.

Commercial businesses providing cloud services to government clients, at a FedRAMP High level, are required to ensure anyone accessing those cloud services has completed an IAL-3 level identity proofing session, been issued a high assurance credential, and authenticates themselves to the cloud service at an AAL-3 assurance level. NextgenID’s PresenceID™ provides Cloud Service Providers with a comprehensive solution, including fully customizable enrollment, high-assurance identity proofing, and flexible credential issuance and management services. As a Non-Federal Issuer (NFI) Credential Services Provider (CSP), NextgenID’s PresenceID™ provides Cloud Service Providers with the credentials required by the FedRAMP Board to complete their FedRAMP High certification, in compliance with all applicable Rev. 5 requirements.



No longer restricted by the issues related to the traditional appointment-based, in-person, identity proofing, enrollment, and credential management processes, high-assurance credentials are now more accessible than ever to businesses. Utilizing NextgenID’s PresenceID™ service allows businesses to easily issue, manage, and maintain credentials for their employees, visitors, vendors, and suppliers, on a national basis. The issuance of high-assurance credentials to employees, vendors, and suppliers helps significantly reduce the risk of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs) within the organization while greatly increasing the overall security of the supply chain.

Seamless Integrations

Future-Proof Solution

PresenceID™ is designed to complement existing systems and accommodate future innovations, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the curve in identity management.

Seamless Integrations

Streamlined Onboarding

Onboard employees quickly and securely while reducing administrative burdens.

Seamless Integrations

Tailor Industry-Specific Solutions

From healthcare and finance to retail and education, PresenceID™ can be customized to address specific security requirements, regulatory mandates, and business objectives ensuring a perfect fit for your organization.

Book A Demo

See how we simplify identity proofing enrollment and credentialing—saving time, cutting costs, and reducing risks.

Beyond Identity Proofing

Services tailored to meet your organization’s needs are accessible with PresenceID™.

Prefer On-Site Identity Proofing, Enrollment, and Credential Management?